
Yosemite: Part One {Mariposa Grove and the Giant Sequoias}

I mentioned that last month we took a day trip to Yosemite to celebrate our 7th Anniversary and Father's Day... of course I took so many photos that I need to break up the posts! 

The first part of our little trip took us to Mariposa Grove and the Giant Sequoias.  We took a short little hike with the girls up to see the 'Grizzly Giant'.  I was trying so hard to capture the grandure of the trees on film, but it is truly something you have to see in person to fully comprehend.  It is amazing to just stand in awe of God's beautiful handiwork!

 The girls look so small compared to the trunk of this tree!

 The Girzzly Giant trail seemed like our cup of tea :-)

Can you see the other hikers at the bottom of this photo?  The word 'Giant' doesn't do these trees justice.
Almost there!!

Taking a stump break.
...and we have finally made it to the Grizzly Giant.  It was quite impressive!

I think Hannah was trying to be a Grizzly, but I can't be sure :-)

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