
Regan's Bridal Shower

My Sister's bridal shower was absolutely beautiful, and I wish I had something to do with the decor.  She loves purple, and her wedding coordinator friend has an amazing vision when it comes to this kind of stuff. 

 A-MAZ-ing decor...
 Mimosa bar and brunch spread...

This was part of our gift, I found it on Pintrest (of course!) but it was six bottles of wine to commemorate all the important 'firsts' of a married couple's life... wedding night, first Christmas, first fight, etc.  Such a great idea for my wine-loving sister :-)... And, I happened to luck out on finding a wine-sized milk bottle crate at Home Goods.

 Another super personal gift from one of her sweet friends... their established sign.  I LOVE these. 
 Kristin made the ribbon bouquet.  Such a special friend to both my sister and me.
 And here are all the ladies from our little family.  Mom, Reg, Grandma, me, Claire and Hannah.
Happy Wedding Shower Sister!!  Can't wait to be a part of your BIG day!

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