
Hannah's Last Day of School

I don't know why I had grand ideas... I guess I was remembering a few select years from when I was in elementary school and we had an 'end of the year' swim party or a big 'last day of school party' in class...but Hannah's last day of Kindergarten was kind of a let down for me (yes, I said me... as a parent these fun moments are what I look forward to). 

Sure, they had their party that week... but it was on Wednesday, not Friday. 

Then there was water day...

But on the last day they have a talent show and according to my daughter it was, 'just a bunch of kids singing and stuff' (my appologies for her lack of enthusiasm if your kid was one of those singing).   When I went to pick her up, she basically was tired and thirsty from watching a talent show and wanted to go home. 

There was no excitement for the next year and first grade, there was no real joy or excitement for the approaching summer vacation, it was just another day for her. 

Now, for those of you that read this and are teachers, I presume that you are EXTATIC on the last day before summer vacation.  So, I thought that enthusiasm would be eminating from all areas of the school. (On my last day of the third grade they played 'Happy Trails to You' over the PA as we were all leaving.)

Maybe she just didn't realize what summer vacation meant.  One of her best friend's was gone that week and maybe she was missing her.  I don't know. 

Anyhow, it was not the exciting end of the year that I had in mind, but it WAS the end of the year so I had her take a photo with her teacher (on a previous post) and a photo with another of her best friends...

Afterward we went out to a Hannah's choice lunch (Mad Duck) and she was able to pick out some new books for for both her summer reading chart and as part of her reward for not having pulled a card (behavior chart) for the whole year. 

I am truly so proud of Hannah and her achievements in Kindergarten and am really excited to see how she does in all-day school next year!  

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