
My Baby is Four

Dear Claire,

Today is your fourth birthday. This morning when I woke up I saw that you had come into our bed in the middle of the night and you were sleeping next to me just as you were four years ago in the hospital. I distinctly remember those first few days after you arrived because I knew I needed to treasure each and every moment and remember those moments for days like today. You see today I look at you and there is no 'baby' left. You are a full-on kid.

This year has been a big one for you in terms of maturity and development. You started preschool and learned how to make friends and be away from home for a few hours at a time. You started dance class and did a few months of gymnastics, which you greatly enjoyed! You were finally able to join in on all of the fun activities that your older sister had been doing. Your vocabulary is exceptional, and you know how to use many words that I feel are advanced for your age. You enjoy making up funny sayings and have a sweet and silly sense of humor. I have noticed that you have been doing a great job at following directions and making sure your behavior is that of a 'big girl'. I am so proud of you!

You love dogs (maybe someday we will get one of our own instead of doggie-sitting for others).
You love fish crackers and fruit snacks and yogurt.
You love to color, and have an ability to stay within the lines that is totally impressive.
Your daily breakfast is a bowl of Cheerios with a sliced banana, and you would choose it over pancakes if it were socially accaptable.
You love playing Memory, Go Fish, and Old Maid and would play 18 games a day of each if we let you.
You get up at least one time every night before you fall asleep, and it drives us crazy... and you haven't taken a regular nap in over a year. We don't completely understand how you are able to function on such little sleep, yet you do it.
You love shoes and changing your clothes, and would change them 13 times a day if we let you ;-). You have been known to scooter in your high-heeled shoes or flip flops.
You are learning to swim, and doing a wonderful job.

You enjoy playing with Barbies, in your play kitchen, or with dolls or stuffed animals and we can often find you in your room wrapped up in play either by yourself or with Hannah. If it were up to you, you would play imaginative games with your sister all the time. As far as sisters go, you and Hannah have developed quite a sweet relationship. Sometimes silly, sometimes crazy, and sometimes (I'm sure) aggrivating... you can tell you truly love each other and miss each other when you are apart for the day. I am curious to see how it goes when Hannah is at school all day as opposed to half-day Kindergarten.

Daddy and I have had several conversations as to how lucky we are to have two wonderful, sweet girls. You bring a bubbly-ness to our lives that we would not be complete without. Your laugh makes my heart truly happy. We had a party for you yesterday and from the bottom of your heart, you told me 'Thank You' for doing the party for you. In moments like that, all the tough parts of being a parent fly away and I am reminded that my job is to 'raise up a child in the way (s)he shoud go...'. I pray I am doing that to my full potential.

Claire, you are a light. You make me laugh and can sometimes drive me crazy and I love you to the moon and back.

Happy Fourth Birthday!



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