
Thoughts for the week

Today is Friday, which means we have made it through a week of Hannah's school.  Getting up early regularly has been much easier this year than it was last year.  She seems a lot happier being in First grade than she was in Kindergarten.  I asked her why, and she said Kinder was too easy.  I am hoping she starts moving a little more out of her comfort zone in meeting some of the kids in her class that she doesn't know from last year.  I know that will all come with time.

Unfortunately Claire doesn't start preschool until after Labor Day... one and a half more weeks.  Which means she and I have been hanging out all week.  It's funny when you realize exactly how much your kids play together, and exactly how much activity you need to plan when your child is home with you by herself for 7 hours.  It will be a little bit of an adjustment, but once she starts school we will have more planned activities which will help me and my sanity. ;-)  She has been my little buddy though.  We have gone bowling, shopping, worked in her preschool workbook, she started this year's dance class, we have played candyland and (what I call) mega-memory (use ALL the cards in the box to make a HUGE memory game), and had a few impromptu playdates with friends. 

Now that we have started the routine, I am looking forward to the craziness that will be this fall.  Schedules are starting to fill up and we have some seriously fun outings and trips planned. 

I am working on wrapping up some loose ends on my summer to-do list.  I do feel like I have gotten a lot done, but there will always be more right?!

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