
Claire-ism #127

Last night Claire was asking if she could have a different learning game system than the one she currently has.  (i.e. she wanted the Vtech version of the Leapster Explorer)

I asked her why she wanted the Vtech she said, "It has a Dora game that is fun!"

Ok, fair enough, I thought.

So I asked her, "What if the Leapster had a Dora game to go in it?"

*Long pause*

Claire: "I would FREAK out!" (meaning she would be super excited)

John and I just about died laughing.  It was a very uncharacteristic statement from our four-year-old, though I shouldn't be suprised by Miss Personality lately. 

1 comment:

Kristin said...

I seriously cannot wait for Jackson-isms!!! Claire is so darn funny. I hope you write these all down for her one day!!