

What gets you off track? 

Sometimes for me it is getting out of routine... you know going on a vacation or having a crazy week.  Whatever I felt was finally manageable, gets out of control. 

For the purpose of this post I am talking about eating right and keeping my weight manageable.  But I could be giving myself the same pep talk about keeping up with the laundry or eating out too much and it would be virtually the same.

I think I got to a point where everyday was a "I'll start over again tomorrow" type day.  After a year of keeping my eating and weight under control I started to let my eating habits go to the dark side and my weight started creeping up.  My pants were getting tight and I was feeling pretty terrible. I finally tracked my calories the other day and I was at twice what I should have had for the day... TWICE!  How in the world did I get to that point? 

Needless to say I have a renewed motivation.  I am on day three and I am feeling confident.  I am making workouts a priority and planning my meals throughout the day.  I don't mean for this to become a workout diary or anything, but there is something about posting something for the world to see that creates accountability. 

So there it is.  Day three.  Let's do this!

1 comment:

Carrie Krupke said...

Keep at it Whitney! You can do it:)