Every year, on or around their birthday, I write each of the girls a letter. I have been doing this since Hannah's first birthday.
Dear Hannah,
You are now FIVE! A whole hand! You are an AMAZING young lady and I can't believe how LUCKY I am to be your Mommy. You make me smile each and every day, your inquisitive mind keeps me on my toes, and your sweet heart makes mine melt. You are indeed a blessing to us in EVERY sense of the word!
This year we opted to have a birthday party and invite many of our closest family freinds as well as many of the new friends you have made in preschool and dance class. As expected, you had a total BLAST at PUMP-IT-UP! Play time in huge bounce houses and obsticle courses, snack and cake time, and then presents! This was your first big party, and I am so glad that you are blessed to have so many sweet friends.
Speaking of, this year has been a big one for developing real friendship relationships. You are learning everyday about being a good friend, and have started to branch out a little from your comfort zone to welcome new friends in your life.
This past year saw the begining of your second year of preschool. Thankfully, we have been blessed with the same wonderful teacher two years in a row. It is no suprise that you absolutely LOVE school. You ask to go even if there is a vacation day! I am so excited for you to start kindergarten in August. While I am going to be sad to see you go off to join the ranks of the 'school aged' kiddos, I am so happy for you to start the next stage of your life. I know that you couldn't be more ready. You have been working on two-digit addition up to twenty, reading basics with the Hooked on Phonics program, writing, and practicing your sight words. While I know that the academic aspects of an education will fall into place, it is nice to see that you are excited to start with the basics.
This year was also the year of two dance classes. You continued your tap/ballet combo class and progressed to the next level, but also added a Jazz/ Hip Hop class to your repetiore. It is funny to me that you have the focus to dance for two hours straight each and every week. I don't think I have heard you complain once... I know we will be continuing dance, however we might have to go back down to one class per week. I am curious to see which class you will choose ;)
The other big activities you decided to try this year were soccer and swimming. You were about the youngest one on the soccer team, but held your own... and even got a few goals! I am sure you will choose to continue soccer. As far as swimming goes, you became quite the FISH! Ten weeks of swimming lessons were just the trick! By the end of last summer you were jumping off the diving board and diving for rings all by yourself.
So, to sum up. You are pretty darn involved! I enjoy seeing you grow and blossom in each and every activity you decide to try. What floors me though, is that you used to be pretty cautious and now you like to try new things all the time! It must be so wonderful to be five and learning about the world around you.
I am so excited to see what the year will bring. Thank You for being the sweet girl that your are.
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