
'Tis the Season

I feel like I have been neglecting my main little blog here. Man has it been a whirlwind, busy, emotional, and crazy few weeks. I have so much on my "to do" list that I just don't even know where to start. I have opted to make today a stay-at-home day and attempt to get a few things checked off the list.

We finally decorated our tree last night. It is one of the artificial trees with the lights already attached. Well 1/3 of the lights don't work and despite our half-attept at fixing it we have let it be. Secondly, Claire doesn't understand that decorations stay ON the tree and broke one of the glass ones... so ALL of the ornaments are now at a level she can't reach. Yes, we have a half decorated 2/3 lit tree! Oh well, it is up and the sentiment is there. Maybe I will post a picture in the next few days here... add to to-do list...

This is a picture from Thanksgiving. I am quite happy with it, except that my sister, Jeff, John and I are not in it. Someone needed to take the pic, and someone needed to get Claire to look. Maybe one day we can have a family picture that we are all actually a part of :)


Kelly said...

Hang in there, youre doing good! Props on getting the tree up, still need to do mine.....cant wait to see you - feels like its been forever!

Ann-Marie said...

I know what you mean about the ornaments. Colson keeps bringing them to me while saying, "no, no, no," because he knows they're supposed to stay ON the tree.