
January Goal Reflection

  • Health: Take specific steps to become a healthier person and family.
    • MOVE at least 15 minutes everyday and get your heart rate up. More is better. Moved MOST days, I would say six out of seven days on average for the month.  Most days were a full workout instead of just fifteen minutes.
    • As the budget allows, choose real food to bring into the house and actually cook with it I have purchased more fruits and veggies than I ever have before!  (Almost) Every meal is full of veggies and fruit.
      • Avoid high fructose corn syrup and as many chemicals as possible. I am VERY aware of the HFCS, and have even told the kids that we will not be buying foods with it.  (More on this later)
    • Toss or donate the foods that don't fit the bill. Working on this one! As of right now I am just not buying any new bad foods
    • Avoid all wine and beer for the month (I had one glass of wine, it would have been rude to avoid)
    • Join Weight Watchers and attend a meeting each week I have been to three meetings, but have follow up feelings for this.
    • Eat out as little as possible. Choose places that serve real food... not processed stuff. This is a tough one.  I am doing better at choosing healthier places, but we eat out on the weekends. 
  • Other:
    • Personal Blog: Catch up through September of 2011, and post at least 20 posts for January. Well, I am through August 2011 and have only posted 14 for January.  Baby steps.
    • Enroll Claire in gymnastics <-- I had to add this, I was putting it off for so long! Check!
    • NO Starbucks for the month (this falls under my 'financial' goals, but I am still throwing it out there. If you see me at Starbucks in January, kick me out!) Done, except for a business meeting where I paid with a gift card. 
    • WFP Blog: Post (or schedule) all sessions from 2012 so far and five from 2011. Fail!  This is going on next month's goals.
    • Crafty Blog: Post (or schedule) at least one ILTC post and three personal posts. Fail! Again, a start toward next month.

I feel like I have made strides toward many changes in my life over the past month.  My number one priority was getting healthier foods in our house and getting myself in the kitchen more.  Both have been better, but I have a ways to go.

I normally ease into the healthy eating and then move to the excercise.  This time I went gung-ho on both and I am really seeing the results which is keeping me motivated to continue.

The only goals I really failed on were the blogging ones.  Which, if I am honest, shouldn't be top priority.  I will try to do better at getting caught up though.  The main reason for this on my personal blog is that I would like to make a MyPublisher book for 2011 and would like to have the blog as a reference for the timeline of last year.

February's goals will be coming up soon!

1 comment:

Carrie Krupke said...

Way to go!! You're absolutely right, in comparison to what you've got listed, the blogs would be lower on the totem pole....i do miss your crafty ideas though! ;)