
Claireism #131: Another Language

Yesterday, I started watching a sweet little seven-month old baby girl.  It was clear from the begining that my sweet four-year-old has never really been around babies... or just never really payed attention to the few that she has been around.  It was a day full of LOTS of questions to say the least. 

Starting with the car ride to preschool...

Baby Girl: (sweet babbling baby noises) "Ga-goo-bla-bloo"

Claire: "Um, Mom......... I don't think she speaks our language"


Baby Girl: "Blah"

Claire: (quite distressed) "MOM!  What is she saying???"

She continued to ask every single time the baby made a peep... and every single different look the baby made...

Claire: "Mom, why is she making that face?"

Me: "She might be going to the bathroom"

Claire: "Um, what do we do if she has to go in the car?"

It was just so funny! I forget that she obviously can't remember all the things from when she was a baby... and that NONE of this is normal stuff for her.  Then, back at home while she was playing with her on the carpet...
Claire: "Mom where did all of these baby toys come from?"

Me: "They were up in your closet, they used to be yours."

Claire: "But, I have been LOOKING for them for a very long time and REALLY wanted to play with them."

I'm pretty sure they haven't been out for years.

To say the least she was a very good helper and completely confused by the whole thing.  ;-D

1 comment:

Carrie Krupke said...

TOO Funny! Thanks for the laugh Whit!