
OAMC {Once a Month Cooking}

aka: Once A Month Cooking, or Freezer cooking, or Make Ahead meals

No matter what you call it, you do a big day of cooking and freezing a bunch of meals, then you eat them over the course of the next month or three (depending on how often you eat at home).

A friend of mine and I have been doing this, or let me rephrase that to attempting to do this for about three years now.  We have a system that works very well, but we average about 3-5 times per year instead of once a month.  Really, who's counting though?  We try.

This past year was a bit lot lacking in this department on my end, so I am so happy to say that we are back on track and in the middle of a HUGE cook day (which usually lasts half of two days)!!  17 meals down, 15+ more to go and I am pumped to have dinner in my freezer that will last my family at least 6 weeks, but most likely longer!!

I don't know if anyone is interested in hearing how we do our OAMC, but I am always interested to hear how others do theirs so I will share a little of our process in a series of posts in the next few days/ weeks.

All I can say is that we had 21 three-pound packages of chicken (roughly 105 breasts), 12 + pounds of ground turkey, 5 pounds of ground beef, enough steaks for 6 meals, 2 tri-tip roasts, and a massive beef brisket roast that filled two large crockpots!  Add the partridge in a pear tree and we could have a full on Christmas carol!  Looking at all of that in the fridge is a bit daunting, but when all is said and done, so very worth it!

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