
First Swim

I was so excited to get the girls in the pool last week for their first swim of the year!  As a parent, I think the first swim after such a long winter break is a little stressful.  Do they remember how?  Will they be overly/under confident?  Will we have to re-learn everything? 

Thankfully, all was good.  Hannah resumed her 'fish-esque' ways - diving in and swiming from one end to the other.  Claire might have even been a little too confident... basically running to make a HUGE leap into the water!  I had to remind her several times that she just needed to stand on the side to jump in...no running in.  I also had to remind her that she isn't great at treading water, so she needed to get my attention before jumping in or pushing off the side to swim to me.  I am so excited for this summer to get here!  Spending some time at the pool sounds like a good way to spend my days, yes?

Another thing that has not changed... the absolute NEED of goggles.  If they aren't on properly there seems to be mass hysteria and confusion... I think I might have to invest in about 12 pairs to keep on hand for the summer.

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