

I think the last time I made anything tie-dye I was 6 and at a Brownie camp-out. Wow, have things come a long way! My sister hooked us up in a focus group one day awhile back so we had a few tie-dye kits to play with. My friend Alice had done this before, so she caught us up on some of the different techniques and volunteered her house for us to have our little tie-dye party at during the spring break.
Here is one shirt all tied up...
Another, tied into a swirly pattern.
And now we add the dye...

Hannah enjoyed this, as she does any craft...
One of the outcomes... the swirly pattern.
Another, just gathered and tied in three spots.
This was really such a fun easy project for us to do. The girls got the biggest kick out of seeing how different they all were when we washed them out the next day. They have been wearing them to bed or out to play every day since they were made. I am looking forward to making a few more soon :)

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